What to Expect

During this 52 Week Challenge we are going to follow a 4 part cycle:

  • Add
  • Eliminate (or reduce)
  • Replace
  • Educate

The goal is to find the things that fit smoothly into your lifestyle, without stressing you out.

That's not to say that they will be "easy" for you every time. But they will make so much sense for your life that they will become part of your lifestyle without causing too much stress.

Keep in mind, not every change we make every week will be a good fit for you at this time. Some of t...
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What to Expect for Week 2

This week we will be working on Stress Management. I would love to say we are going to eliminate stress, but that's not very realistic.

So instead, we are going to focus on ways to reduce and manage stress.

Stress is a normal reaction to changes and challenges around us. The reaction can be physical, emotional, and intellectual. 

Acute (occasional) stress is good and normal. It keeps us alert and aware of our surroundings and out of danger. It helps your body power through whatev...
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Headache? Try salt instead of pain-killers...

If you occasionally suffer from mild headaches - you know, the kind that are annoying, but not debilitating - you have probably attributed them to 

  • dehydration
  • too much caffeine
  • not enough caffeine
  • too much sleep
  • not enough sleep
  • too much sugar
  • etc...

It could be any of those things. And it could be that your body would benefit more from minerals than from ibuprofen. 

Next time you get a mild headache, try putting a pinch of good quality salt (like the ones we went over in previous posts) un...
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